
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Consumer Responsibility

Be aware of what you buy! 
When you buy a company's products, you are supporting them and their practices. For example, when you buy a steaming bowl of shark fin soup (which I hope none of you would do), you are encouraging people to keep pulling sharks out from the ocean and slice off their fins. So, long story short, be aware of what you are buying and be a responsible consumer! 

Here are some easy labels to look for: 

Rainforest Alliance

Marine Stewardship Council

Here's a link to some other food labels, too! 

Shoutout to LUSH Cosmetics- proving one company can make a difference! Many of their products contribute to a charity pot, benefiting 600 charities! They also raise awareness for many issues, including the FinFree movement (they even had a petition during shark week!). 
Oh donuts, I always knew you were good
Another shoutout to Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme for sourcing their palm oil from sustainable sources! I've mentioned before that palm oil is a huge factor in deforestation, especially in lush, biologically important rain forests. If these mega-mouthwatering donut chains are pushing for more sustainability, hopefully other fast food restaurants will follow!! Here's an article on it. 

Thanks for reading everyone! 

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