
Monday, March 28, 2016

Invention Connections with Wildlife

Coexisting with wildlife has always been a problem for mankind. New technology has given us the opportunity to coexist with wildlife like never before. Here are just a few nifty things:

Critter Crossing
If you live in a wooded area like I do, you are very familiar with the sight of roadkill. It's an unfortunate result of the expansion of human development that cannot be prevented....or can it? In the Netherlands, wildlife crossing bridges have been made to allow animals to cross over roadways safely. Not only is it good for the animals, it's also good for people- in the US there are 200 fatalities annually due to collisions with deer. For educational purposes, the bridges can be fitted with cameras to collect data about the animals using them, providing important information about wildlife populations. In North America, only Alberta, Canada, has these structures, but hopefully we will see them more widespread in the very near future! 

Shark Suits
The fear of sharks keeps many people out of the ocean. But sadly, most incidents with sharks are when they mistake a person for something else. These special wetsuits are meant to help mitigate that possibility. Some designs are blue and wavy to camouflage in the ocean, and some are striped to mimic lionfish- something sharks don't want to eat. However, these designs aren't guaranteed to help, and some scientists think it might have the opposite effect. Don't worry, if you're really paranoid you can just wear chain-mail underwater. 

Shining the Light on Lions 
This story is from 2013, but is by no means outdated. A 12-year-old boy from Kenya sought to stop lions from killing livestock in a non-lethal manner. He came up with a simple system of moving lights, and viola! the lions are deterred from livestock, and saved from the gun of an angry farmer. The moral of the story? Sometimes simple solutions are the best, and no matter what age you are, you can make a difference. Read more about it here. 

Edible Cutlery
I've talked about the horrors of plastic before, and this invention specifically tackles the problem of plastic utensils, such as the ones used by fast-food joints once then thrown away. This company has made edible cutlery out of sorghum flour, which is incredibly efficient to manufacture, saving energy and reducing plastic waste. They even come in different flavors! Less plastic means a healthier planet for us and wildlife. 

Thanks for reading everyone, and I hope you come back soon! 

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